How to make the perfect charcuterie board

You have probably seen some amazing charcuterie boards on Instagram by now and thought WOW.. that would be great for my next dinner party.
Here are some of our top tips for preparing an amazing charcuterie board.
Tip 1:
Get a large wooden board that will fit all of your products.
Tip 2:
Customize the board to your fancy
Charcuterie boards now a days have moved passed only including Pork. Which the name charcuterie relates to.
Now people often have a variety of curred meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, dried fruit, crackers and marmalade.
Tip 3:
Use great cheese
Cheese is a standout in any dish and your board is no different.
Any reccomendation can be changed to your preference... it is your board after all. But generally we would recommend having a minimum of a variety of three different cheeses. Generally I like to have a cheddar, a brie, a blue, a sheep and goat to ensure variety.
My last board included some Irish cheese and French cheeses ranging from Templegall, Brie De Meaux, St Tola. Goat, Cashel Blue, Comte and some Cais Na Tire sheep cheese. Plus Quince paste and some crackers! Delicious!!!
Tip 4:
Choose your meats carefully
Once again a variety of meats do go a long way. There is so much fantastic products to choose from and come on in to our On The Pigs Back English Market stall and we will assist you! My board focused heavily on two producers, Gubbens chorizo and On the Wild Sides Coppa both amazing. Meats like Parma, Serrano and Pastrami go a long way also!
Tip 5:
Add something sweet and colourful
A great way to mix up your board is to add some fruits. Personally I love green and red grapes along with some orange slices. But you can add anything you like.
Tip 6:
Add two varieties of crackers
Both our On The Pig's Back Rye and Poppy crackers are perfect for any board and have been produced with just that in mind.
Tip 7:
My final tip is to add some sauces, our carmelised red onion marmalade is a crowd pleaser and my personal favourite is to add a small jar of sweet honey to try on the cheeses!
Whatever you decide to do, do it with fun and creativity in mind. There really is not much that can go too wrong with a charcuterie board so just enjoy it and add a little bit of your personality to the board!
Or if you want check out or cheese and charcuterie selections on our website!
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